The GRCF offers targeted content products for your genotyping project

Fingerprinting Products

Fingerprinting or Human Linkage by Illumina QC Array
The Illumina QC array contains 15,949 markers which are useful for biobanking, fingerprinting, ethnic ancestry determination and QC. The array contains all of the SNPs which were on the former human linkage array, so it can also be used for linkage studies. It also includes ADME content.
Number of Samples | Standard Content |
No minimum or maximum | $60/sample |

Fingerprinting by STR Analysis/Cell Line Authentication
The GRCF offers a short tandem repeat (STR) profiling service to customers who wish to confirm the identity of a line by comparison to a known profile or to establish an identity profile for a new cell line generated locally. For further information, including pricing, see our Cell Line Authentication section.

Fingerprinting by Taqman OpenArray Barcode Chip
This OpenArray panel consists of 64 markers, including 3 Y-chromosome markers that allow for unique identification of individuals, though it may not be sensitive enough to distinguish siblings from each other. Markers were selected to have high Minor Allele Frequency (MAF) in multiple ethnic groups, so this chip cannot be used for distinguishing between populations. It is useful as an internal control for GWAS studies and next-gen sequencing projects. Each chip runs 48 samples.
1 chip: $1,680
2 chips: $2,360
3 chips: $3,060
4 chips: $3,680
Discounts available for larger projects. Please inquire.

Specialized Consortium Arrays
We are happy to work with you to genotype the consortium or commercial version of any of Illumina’s specialized arrays. Most are now provided as booster content to either the Global Screening Array or the Global Diversity Array. These offerings are constantly changing and pricing and rules for access vary by array. Please contact us if you are interested in running any of the current offerings, which include (but are not limited to): the H3Africa Consortium Array, the DrugDev Consortium Array, the Multi-Disease Booster, the Psych Booster, the Direct-to-Consumer Booster, the Neuro Booster, the Confluence Oncology Booster, or the Carrier Screening Booster.
Please contact us for pricing. Please include the name of the array of interest and approximate sample numbers in your email, as pricing is dependent on the number of samples. Minimum sample number is at least 92, but some arrays may have higher minimums.

Taqman OpenArray PGx Panels
These panels are derived from the PharmaADME Core Marker Set. The PGx Express panel has 60 SNPs, and the PGx Express 120 panel has 120 SNPs that look at SNPs in genes encoding drug metabolism enzymes and their associated transport proteins. The chips test 47 or 23 samples, respectively. Price includes data cleaning and returned SNP calls.
Pricing for PGx Express (60) chip:
1 chip: $1,420
2 chips: $2,120
3 chips: $2,820
4 chips: $3,525
The PGx Express 120 chip is in early access state. Please inquire about pricing for it or for projects of 11 chips or more.