THE GRCF offers library preparation, sequencing and analysis of RNA seq data.

We offer simple, per lane pricing, which allows the investigator control over how many reads required per sample. Please see  ENCODE’s best practices  for current guidelines on RNASeq experimental design.

Wide View 1812 lab

Sample Requirements

Due to the nature of these experiments, it is beneficial to discuss sequencing strategy prior to sample submission. 

High quality rna

Please provide us with high quality total RNA (RIN >8.5)

>500 ng

We request >500ng for standard prep, but can work with less if required. 

pre-qc testing

We strongly encourage you to QC your RNA prior to submission, as high quality starting material is the key to success. 

qc testing for a fee

 If you cannot QC your sample prior to submission, we can do so for you at a cost of $20/sample.

Sequencing Costs

Sequencing costs vary based on read length and depth per sample required. You can multiplex samples in a single lane to save costs on sequencing. Please see our  High Throughput Sequencing page  for information on per lane pricing and data yield.


We collaborate with the JHU Computational Biology Consulting Core for RNASeq analysis.