A Few Things That Make the GRCF Great

This is a non-profit resource that offers appreciable savings and fast delivery of a wide variety of research products with no shipping and handling fees and free Core Store delivery to three Johns Hopkins campuses.
Johns hopkins Biobank
This College of American Pathologist (CAP) accredited facility is dedicated to meeting all of your short and long-term cryostorage requirements for basic science and clinical research needs.
With more than 30 years of expertise, our facilities offer leading edge service support for processing of biomaterials, cells, nucleic acids and derivatives for both basic science and clinical research needs.


Our goal is to provide the research community with access to ‘next generation’ sequencing platforms as well as foundational sequencing alternatives.

The GRCF has been a part of the Johns Hopkins Scientific Community for more than 35 years!

As recommended by NIH prior to publication , we offer short tandem repeat (STR) profiling service to to confirm the identity of a human cell line. 

Testing service is recommended prior to cryopreservation and at regular intervals in culture, using PCR based MycoDtect kit from Greiner Bio-One

We offer a growing range of genomics applications for single cells, including RNA-seq, gene expression profiling by qPCR and DNA amplification by way of the  10x Genomics Chromium platform .

Lab Service Offerings

The GRCF is a JHU service center producing a number of products and services to aid researchers performing studies in cell biology, molecular biology and genetics.  

We offer  high throughput options on the llumina platform,  medium throughput with the Life Technologies Open Array, and lower throughput options via  individual TaqMan®, Qiagen  Pyrosequencing assays or STR/VNTR analysis.

Digital PCR is a new service offering to address  nucleic acid detection and quantification, by measuring the fraction of negative replicates to determine absolute copies.  

DNA methylation service is offered for large numbers of samples via genotyping using the Illumina 850K Methylation BeadChip or via custom Illumina products. Smaller scale projects and quantitative analysis can be carried out via Pyrosequencing. 

Ordering From the GRCF is Easy!

Core Store

  • 500,000 + Products
  • Volume Pricing
  • Fast, Free, On-Campus Delivery

Johns Hopkins Service Customers

  • iLab Based Requests
  • GeneSifter Requests
  • Direct Billing Through SAP

External Service Customers 

  • Service Offerings are Available to Customers Outside the Johns Hopkins Community
  • Invoicing, Direct Pay & PO Options Available

Study Design Help & Letters of Support

We encourage investigators planning a study to meet with us to discuss objectives.  We have a broad range of expertise and in many instances, can propose an array of possible approaches to your research question.  We are also happy to write letters of support for grant applications, demonstrating to reviewers that the resources for your study are available at the university.

Leading Edge Technologies

The GRCF works to stay at the leading edge of technology, by providing sophisticated tools and equipment oftentimes not available in the individual research lab. We encourage faculty to reach out and discuss their evolving research needs.

Educational Opportunities

The GRCF offers regular webinars and seminars to the Johns Hopkins Community. Annually, the GRCF Symposium combines guest research speakers and vendors offering the latest technology, for a unique progressive research experience.


“For the past two decades, the GRCF has provided state-of-the-art technical expertise and cost-efficient support for our laboratory’s collaborations with scientists working at Johns Hopkins and throughout the world.” 

Bert Vogelstein, M.D.

Director, Ludwig Center at Johns Hopkins

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

“We have been very pleased with the affordable, high-quality deep RNA sequencing data we have received from the GRCF for multiple research projects over the last year. I now consider it an essential feature of our projects.”

Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D.

C. Michael Armstrong Professor of Genetic Medicine

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

The GRCF is a vital component of our research community and enterprise. This has been evident for many years and was amplified during the pandemic despite the extremely challenging circumstances. We are deeply appreciative of the dedication and commitment of the GRCF team to our Hopkins community.”

Landon King, M.D.

Executive Vice Dean

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine