10B: ~2.5 billion paired reads, $1400

 1.5B: ~3 billion paired reads, 10B: ~20 billion paired reads, 25B: ~50 billion paired reads

We now offer runs on the new Novaseq X Plus platform. If you require NovaSeq 6000 please  contact David Mohr for details

GRCF High Throughput Sequencing Center

Our goal is to provide the Johns Hopkins community access to Next Generation sequencing platforms.

We currently feature  MiSeq and NovaSeq X Plus instruments. We do our best to sequence samples in a timely manner, but our primary focus is on generating high quality data.

Pricing Tables

NovaSeq runs include additional cycles for dual indexed libraries.

100 cycle: $3,400100 cycle: $8,400
200 cycle: $3,700200 cycle: $10,300
300 cycle: $4,900300 cycle: $10,900300 cycle: $17,200

NovaSeq X Plus Lane Pricing

10B: ~2.5 billion reads per lane
2 x 150bp: $1400

High Throughput Sequencing gives you options… 

We offer free consultation. Please  contact David Mohr to discuss your project in detail.

We offer simple, per lane and per flow cell pricing, along with end to end service for whole exome/custom targeted projects, RNASeq, and whole genome.

We offer single lane loading on NovaSeq X Plus 10B to accommodate users who do not need the throughput of a full flowcell.

Sample Requirements

NovaSeq Runs

For NovaSeq runs, please submit at least 50ul of your sample at 4nM.


Samples should be pooled. 

QC Preferences

Nanodrop is not  reliable. Intercalating dye methods or qPCR are preferred.

MiSeq Runs

Please submit 10μl of your sample at 2nM for MiSeq. 

Quality Control

We will do a QC check via Bioanalyzer to increase the likelihood of quality data, but you should quantitate your sample as accurately as possible prior to submission. 


Please contact us with any sample preparation questions.

DNA or total RNA

 Please provide us with ~500ng of high molecular weight DNA or total RNA >6.5.

Low yield

There are a host of options for lower input/lower quality that may add cost.




Please  contact us to discuss sample submission or any questions you may have regarding library preparation.

Understanding Data Yield

Our facility features the NovaSeq platform. Yield is dependent upon several factors:

Read Length & Read Type

The longer the read, the more data. Paired end reads yield twice the data as single read.

Uniform Base Composition

Libraries that have uneven base composition tend to pose problems with the analysis software. These issues can be mitigated using several strategies, but the net effect will be lower data yield than a balanced library.

Optimal Cluster Density

 It is imperative to accurately quantitate your library to ensure high data yield. We do our best to QC libraries before sequencing, but we cannot pool samples for you.

High Quality Library

Libraries that contain a high level of adapter dimers will yield significantly less data, particularly on the NovaSeq6000. Similarly, over amplified libraries can negatively impact yield

Please see Illumina’s  NovaSeq6000 Specification page for current data yields. While we regularly achieve greater than ‘spec’ yields from the NovaSeq6000, it is best to be conservative when planning your experiments.

Data Delivery

Per lane/flowcell sequencing

Data will be returned in Sanger FASTQ format via our high speed aspera server.

End to end services

Alignment files, variant calls, and any intermediate files you wish via aspera server.