The JH-Nucleic Acid Technologies lab offers Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profiling for cell line authentication

Our services use STR profiles to confirm the identity of a human line by comparison to a known profile or to establish an identity profile for a new human cell line generated locally. 

Authentication is recommended:


when a new line is established or acquired.


before freezing.


Every two months that the culture is actively growing.


if the performance of the line is not consistent or results are unexpected .


before publication.

Cell Line Authentication Service Choices

The JH-Nucleic Acid Technologies Lab offers two levels of service support for STR profiles.

Standard Service

Standard Service includes a signed cell line authentication report for each line submitted and is for scientists who prefer to do their own profile comparison analysis. The report contains a STR profile table, an electropherogram profile, and a table with the raw data for each allele (size in base pairs, peak height, peak area). The results can be used for comparison to reference databases to check for cross contamination, mix-ups and percent match between lines or to establish the identity of a new cell line. The certificate is suitable for proof of cell line authentication required by journals and grant funding bodies. 

Standard Service Plus Profile Search

Standard Service plus Profile Search includes the Standard Service, plus profile comparison to public databases maintained by recognized repositories ATCC and DSMZ to check the authenticity of your cell line.

Cell line authentication analysis following ANSI/ATCC ASN-0002-2022 , the standardization of STR profiling using multiple kits. 

Profiling kits are only suitable for cell lines of HUMAN origin. A Beta-globin mouse marker option is offered to test for the presence of MOUSE DNA.

PowerPlex 18D (Promega)

Markers included in the kit are amelogenin, CSF1PO, D13S317, D16S539, D21S11, D5S818, D7S820, THO1, TPOX, vWA, D18S51, D3S1358, FGA, D8S1179, Penta E, Penta D, D2S1338 and D19S433. This kit contains all the markers listed in ATCC’s database plus 9 additional markers not listed.

GenePrint 10 System (Promega)

Markers included in the kit are amelogenin, CSF1PO, D13S317, D16S539, D21S11, D5S818, D7S820, THO1, TPOX, and vWA. This kit contains all the markers listed in ATCC’s database plus D21S11.

Sample Preparation for Human Cell Line Authentication

The GRCF (FAF) accepts purified DNA (please provide >10µl at >10ng/µl of DNA), cell pellets (dried or frozen, between 100,000 and 5 million, preferred, pellet should be visible) or frozen cell aliquots (cryopreservation tube) for analysis. A visible cell pellet is required for combined authentication and mycoplasma testing. A DNA isolation charge applies when submitting cell pellets or frozen cell aliquots for authentication service.

STR Profile Analysis cost

Standard Service:

GenePrint 10: $110/sample for JHU customers. $140/sample for external customers. 

PowerPlex 18D: $140/sample for JHU customers. $170/sample for external customers. 

Standard Service Plus Profile Search:

GenePrint 10: $155/sample for JHU customers. $215/sample for external customers. 

PowerPlex 18D: $185/sample for JHU customers. $224/sample for external customers. 

NOTE: For this service DNA samples can be submitted. If  DNA isolation is required (cell pellets samples): $30 per sample is the fee for isolation for JHU customers and $45 for non-JHU customers.


How it Works

FFPE DNA/RNA Isolation Services are available to the Johns Hopkins Community as well as External Customers.

Place your order in Ilab

If you are new to iLab, see the section below. 

Submit your samples

JH-customers and non-JH customers: Drop off or ship samples to  GRCF, Johns Hopkins University, 725 N. Wolfe Street, PCTB G20, Baltimore, MD 21205 by 4:30PM on Tuesday for inclusion in that week’s processing schedule.

Samples received after Tuesday through Friday of any given week will be held and processed the following week.

Please, follow all instructions in iLab for sample submission and shipment. 


Samples are run once a week on Wednesday morning, with results emailed Friday of the same week or following Monday.

Turnaround time may vary depending on cumulative sample submission.


When an order is completed, iLab will send an automatic email with a link to your order, and you can download the report from there. 

New to iLab? Don’t have an account?

All orders are processed through the JHU Agilent iLab system. Prior registration is required before an order can be placed. Please see below for information on how to register for an account.

Account Registration

To register for an account:

1. Open a web browser and type in:

2. Login using your Johns Hopkins University credentials. If you are not a Johns Hopkins University user, in the upper, right hand corner of the page, click login and select “Not a Johns Hopkins University User.”

3. Upon successful authentication, if you are a Johns Hopkins University user you will be prompted to select your PI/lab from the pull-down list and provide your phone number. If you are a not a Johns Hopkins user, iLabs will send you a welcome email and login credentials. Submit the completed registration form.

4. You will be sent an email with basic instructions on using the system. Please note that lab members will not be able to place orders with the new account until a PI has approved the lab membership request and assigned a budget number.

Placing a Service Request

Using your Johns Hopkins University credentials or login information, you can place service request orders and monitor their progress.

  1. Navigate to the GRCF DNA Services request page:
  2. In the upper, right hand corner of the page, login.
  3. Click the Request Services tab then the Service Projects & Quote Request tab on the left. Select “Mycoplasma Testing and/or Cell Line Authentication Form”
  4. Initiate Request button next to the service of interest. Work through the request.
  5. You will be asked to complete a form and provide payment information for your request before submitting it to the core.
  6. Your request will be pending review by the core. Once the request has been submitted, you are welcome to drop samples off or ship them at our location: 

                  725 N Wolfe Street, PCTB G20

             Baltimore, MD 21205

Need more help?
More information is available on the iLab help site.


Contact us

  • GRCF, Nucleic Acid Technologies
    Johns Hopkins University
    725 N. Wolfe Street, PCTB G20
    Baltimore, MD 21205