Below you will find a comprehensive list of items available at the 24/7 Vending Center located on the East Baltimore Campus in the Blalock Building – Room 1026
Please remember to bring to each purchase: Your User ID, password, and Budget # to which the purchase will be charged.
Please bring a cooler with ice with you at the time of purchase. Ice is not provided for refrigerated or frozen items.
Supplier | Temp | Catalog # | Location | Description | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 10787018 | A34 | 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder - 250µg | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | 161-0747 | F8 | 4x Laemmli Sample Buffer - 10ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 119-069-131 | D40 | 10X PBS pH 7.4 without CaMg - 1 L | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | 170-6435 | E42 | 10X Tris Buffered Saline - 1L | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 4346907 | C20 | 96-well Fast Thermal Cycling Plates - 10pk | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | A6964-100ML | A95 | Accutase - 100ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 118-156-721 | D60 | ACK Lysing Buffer - 4 X 100 ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 12587010 | A43 | B-27 Supplement w/o Vitamin A(50X) - 10 ml | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | 170-6404 | E32 | Blotting Grade Blocker-NFDM | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | B9000S | A1 | BSA, Molecular Biology Grade (20mg/ml) - 12mg | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | 145-0011 | F7 | Cell Counting Slides for TC10/TC20 - 30/box | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | 11836170001 | B14 | Complete™, Mini, EDTA-free - 25 tablets | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | C10228 | F11 | Countess Chamber Slides - 50 slides | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 351-068-131 | D43 | DEPC Treated Water - 1000ml | |
MilliporeSigma | R/T | D2650-5x5ml | E51 | Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) - 5x5ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 10977015 | E11 | Distilled Water (Ultrapure)-500ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 15230162 | E3 | Distilled Water - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 11965092 | B300 | DMEM (1X), high glucose - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 11885084 | B200 | DMEM (1X), low glucose - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 11995065 | B3 | DMEM High Glucose w/Sodium Pyruvate - 500 ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 11330032 | B2 | DMEM/F-12, liquid (1:1) - 500ml | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | 10104159001 | B11 | Dnase I (Grade II) from bovine pancrease | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 69504 | D21 | DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit - 50 | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 18427013 | A61 | dNTP Mix 10 mM - 100µl | |
Promega | -20° | U1515 | A54 | dNTP Mix - 1,000 ul | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | D9663-10ML | A70 | Donkey serum - 10ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 14190144 | E2 | DPBS (1X) - 500ml | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | R0176S | A15 | Dpn I - 1,000u | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | K1081 | A26 | DreamTaq™ Green PCR Master Mix (2X) - 200rxns | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 10003D | B23 | Dynabeads Protein G for Immunoprecipitation | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 4385612 | A30 | Fast SYBR Green Master Mix | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | F4135-500ml | A100 | Fetal Bovine Serum Heat Inactiv-500ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 26140079 | A93 | Fetal Bovine Serum U.S., Qualified - 500ml | |
Corning Cellgro | -20° | 35-011-CV | A500 | Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat Inactivated - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 16140071 | A92 | Fetal Bovine Serum, Qual, Heat-Inactivated - 500ml | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | F2442-500ml | A200 | Fetal Bovine Serum, U.S. Origin - 500ml | |
Corning Cellgro | -20° | 35-010-CV | A400 | Fetal Bovine Serum, USDA - 500ml | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | TCS-0803 | C41 | Flat PCR Tube 8-Cap Strips, 0.2ml - 120pk | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | K0503 | F50 | GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit - 250 preps | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 35050061 | F3 | GlutaMAX-I Supplement - 100 ml | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | G9023-10ml | A71 | Goat Serum - 10ml | |
Promega | -20° | M7123 | A50 | GoTaq Green Master Mix - 1000rxns | |
Promega | -20° | M7122 | A65 | GoTaq® Green Master Mix - 100rxns | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | HSP-9601 | C31 | Hard-Shell 96-Well PCR Plates - 50pk | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 14175095 | E1 | HBSS (1X) w/o - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 14170112 | E12 | HBSS (1X) w/o - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 15630080 | B301 | HEPES Buffer Soln (1M) - 100ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 4368814 | A64 | High Capacity cDNA Kit - 200rxns | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 4387406 | A31 | High Capacity RNA-to-cDNA Kit - 50rxns | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 12440053 | B4 | IMDM (1X) - 500 ml | |
Bio-Rad | -20° | 170-8891 | A84 | iScript cDNA Synthesis | |
Bio-Rad | -20° | 170-8890 | A75 | iScript cDNA Synthesis Kit, 25 X 20ul rxns | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 25030081 | A301 | L-Glutamine-200mM (100X) - 100ml | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | 161-0737 | F13 | Laemmli Sample Buffer - 30ml | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | L2020-1mg | A72 | Laminin - 1mg | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 340-004-101 | D30 | LB Broth - 500 ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | L3000008 | B30 | LipofectAMINE™ 3000 - .75ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | L3000015 | B25 | LipofectAMINE™ 3000 - 1.5ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 11140050 | B24 | MEM NEAA (100x) 10mM - 100ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | N801-0560 | C10 | MicroAmp Optical 96-Well Reaction Plates - 10/box | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 4346906 | C1 | MicroAmp® Fast Optical 96-Well Plate - 20 plates | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 4311971 | F12 | MicroAmp® Optical Adhesive Film - 100 covers | |
Bio-Rad | R/T | MSB-1001 | C40 | Microseal 'B' PCR Plate Sealing Film - 100pk | |
Bio-Rad | +4° | 456-1084 | B401 | Mini Protean® TGX™ 4-15%, 10-well 50ul-10gels | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | R3131S | A22 | NheI-HF - 1,000u | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 114-055-101 | D31 | Normal Saline - 500ml | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | R3189S | A24 | Not I HF - 500u | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | R3189L | A23 | NotI-HF - 2,500u | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | NP0335BOX | C30 | NuPAGE® 4-12% Bis-Tris Gel - 1.5mm 10 well -10 gels | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | NP0323BOX | C21 | NuPAGE® 4-12% Bis-Tris Gel 1.0 mm, 15 well-10gels | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | NP0002 | E63 | NuPAGE® MES SDS Running Buffer(B-T Gels 20X) 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | NP0321BOX | C2 | NuPAGE® Novex Bis-Tris Gels 4-12% 10 well -10 gels | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | NP0322BOX | C11 | NuPAGE® Novex Bis-Tris Gels 4-12% 12 well -10 gels | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | NP0004 | B33 | NuPAGE® Sample Reducing Agent (10X) - 250µl | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 18418012 | A60 | Oligo(dT)12-18 Primer - 25µg | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 31985070 | B400 | Opti-MEM I Reduced-Serum Med (1X) - 500ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 114-058-101 | D32 | PBS (1X) pH 7.4 w/o CaMg - 500ml | |
Corning Cellgro | R/T | 21-040-CV | E30 | PBS (1X) w/o CaMg - 6 X 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 10010023 | E10 | PBS (1X)w/o CaMg, liquid - 500ml | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | P0781-100ML | A73 | Penicillin Streptomycin - 100ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 15140122 | A101 | Penicillin-Streptomycin - 100ml | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | GE17-0891-01 | B36 | Percoll (Sterile) - 1L | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | P5726-1ML | B12 | Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail II - 1ml | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | 4906837001 | B10 | PhosSTOP - 20 tablets | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 10966034 | A35 | PLATINUM® Taq DNA Polymerase - 500u | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | P6407-5MG | A74 | Poly-D-Lysine - 5mg | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 4367659 | B21 | Power SYBR® Green PCR Master Mix (1 x 5ml)-200rxns | |
Bio-Rad | -20° | 161-0374 | A82 | Precision Plus Stds, Dual Color | |
Bio-Rad | -20° | 161-0373 | A81 | Precision Plus Stds, Pre-stained | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | P36931 | F16 | Prolong Gold Antifade Reagent w/DAPI - 10ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 25530015 | B31 | Proteinase K - 100mg | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 27106 | D2 | QIAprep®-Spin Plasmid Kit - 250 Preps | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 27104 | C22 | QIAprep®-Spin Plasmid Kit - 50 Preps | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 28104 | C3 | QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (50) | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 28706 | C61 | QIAquick® Gel Extraction Kit - 250 Preps | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | Q32856 | C60 | Qubit assay tubes set - 500sets | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 12648010 | A44 | Recovery Cell Culture Medium - 50ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 46430 | F40 | Restore PLUS western Blot Stripping Buffer | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 21059 | C12 | Restore Western Blot Stripping Buffer - 500ml | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | R0278-50ML | B13 | Ripa Buffer - 50ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | N8080119 | A63 | RNase Inhibitor - 2,000u | |
QIAGEN | +4° | 79254 | B5 | RNase-Free DNase Set | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 10777019 | A33 | RNaseOut™ - 5000u | |
MilliporeSigma | R/T | R2020-250ml | F10 | RNaseZap - 250ml | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 74134 | D10 | RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (50) | |
QIAGEN | R/T | 74104 | D1 | RNeasy® Mini Kit - 50 Preps | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 11875093 | B100 | RPMI 1640 - 500ml | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | R8758-500ML | B43 | RPMI 1640 - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 25080094 | F2 | Sodium Bicarbonate Soln, 7.5% (w/v) - 100ml | |
MilliporeSigma | +4° | S8636-100ML | B52 | Sodium Pyruvate - 100ml | |
Bio-Rad | -20° | 172-5271 | A80 | SsoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | A1110501 | A57 | StemPro Accutase Cell Dissociation Reagent - 100ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 18080044 | A55 | SuperScript™ III - 10,000u | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 18080051 | A56 | SuperScript™ III First Strand Syntesis Kit | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 34095 | F41 | SuperSignal West Femto Maximum Sensitivity | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 4309155 | B20 | SYBR Green PCR Master Mix | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | M0202S | A5 | T4 DNA Ligase - 20,000u | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | M0201S | A4 | T4 Polynucleotide Kinase - 500u | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 15558026 | E21 | TAE Buffer (10X) - 4L | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 4369016 | B22 | TaqMan® Gene Expression Master Mix(1x5ml)-200rxns | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 351-001-131 | D41 | TBE Buffer (10X) - 1000ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 351-086-101 | D33 | TBS pH 7.4 (10X) - 500ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 351-007-101 | D20 | Tris HCl (1M), pH 8.0 - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | +4° | 15596018 | B53 | TRIZOL® Reagent - 200ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 12604013 | F4 | TrypLE Express - 100 ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 15400054 | A16 | Trypsin-EDTA 0.5% (10X) w/o phenol red - 100ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 25200056 | A401 | Trypsin-EDTA 0.25% (1X) - 100ml | |
MilliporeSigma | -20° | T4049-100ML | A94 | Trypsin-EDTA 0.25 % - 100ml | |
ThermoFisher | -20° | 25300054 | A501 | Trypsin-EDTA .05% (1X) - 100ml | |
MilliporeSigma | R/T | P7949-500ml | F1 | Tween 20 - 500ml | |
ThermoFisher | R/T | 16500500 | E31 | UltraPure™ Agarose - 500g | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 118-162-101 | E20 | Water, Cell Culture Grade - 500ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 351-029-721 | D61 | Water, Molecualr Biology Grade - 4 x 100ml | |
Quality Biological | R/T | 351-029-131 | D42 | Water, Molecular biology grade- 1L | |
New England Biolabs | -20° | R0145S | A13 | Xba I - 3,000u |