Title: “The Importance of Antibody Validation and an Overview of CST’s in TraSeq Technology”

Presenter: A. Vicki McCulloch Bowden, Ph.D.

Abstract: Choosing the correct antibody for your experiment is critical to its success. In order to do this, one must understand the importance of the validation process for the antibody’s specificity and how it has been tested in the needed applications. This is true no matter where you obtain your antibody.  

At Cell Signaling Technology, we look at the validation process of each new antibody as a scientific project.  By carefully tailoring the combination of validation strategies applied to each product, we can guarantee that our antibodies are fit for purpose. This means customizing our validation process according to the biological role of the target while considering the downstream assay’s sensitivity requirements, the availability of appropriate testing models, and the relevance of each method to the target investigation.  

Because of this rigorous approach to antibody validation, we are also able to develop technology and services that can help in the advancement of your research. One such example is our InTraSeq technology.  This innovative platform enables detection of RNA, surface proteins, intracellular proteins, and post translational modifications (PTM’s) at single resolution – offering unparallelled insights into cellular mechanisms that traditional single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) cannot provide.

Date: February 25, 2025

Time: 10 am – 11 am

Location: West Room , off the Turner Concourse, Ground Floor of the  Turner Bldg .

Title: “ Mastering Cloning: Tools, Tips, and Troubleshooting with NEB” 

Presenters: Penny Devoe- Associate Director, Portfolio Management, DNA Cloning, and Jack Martz -Technical Support Scientist, DNA Cloning

Abstract:  Join NEB for an engaging seminar on cloning, designed for both beginners and experienced scientists. This one-hour session will provide an overview of various cloning tools and address common questions received by NEB’s technical support scientist, specializing in cloning. Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions for troubleshooting assistance.

Date:  March 12, 2025

Time: 11am – 12 pm

Location: Miller Research Building, Room MRB G-01