Taqman MicroRNA Profiling
The GRCF is proud feature Taqman MicroRNA profiling using the QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System. This new, high throughput technology allows us to analyze dozens of samples in a day, generating thousands of data points, at reasonable prices, using highly sensitive and highly specific Taqman assays.

Quant Studio 12K
The QuantStudio 12K allows you to look up to 758 unique assays per sample, quickly and efficiently with only 200ng of total RNA needed for a full miRNA profile. We can generate the microRNA specific cDNAs from your total RNA sample for an additional charge.
How to request MicroRNA Profiling
#1 Sample Prep
Please consult with us before starting these projects, as there may be additional charges based on sample numbers, reagent needs and other considerations.
Customers will need to prepare the cDNA according to Life Technologies quick reference guide for the standard arrays or the advanced protocol for advanced arrays, or utilize our cDNA synthesis service.
The appropriate RT kits can be purchased from the GRCF Core Store (part 4366596 for standard, A28007 for advanced.) Megaplex primers should be ordered through the GRCF DNA services lab in Blalock 1004.
#2 Drop Off
Fill out our online request form and bring samples to Blalock 1004 or one of our remote drop off locations, labeled with the order number from the online request.
Once we receive your cDNA, we will complete the rest of the protocol and generate the data. Data will be returned to you via our ordering server.
Please note: If you are bringing more than 12 samples, do not put into a plate or we will be forced to freeze/thaw your samples multiple times).
Number of Samples Standard miRNA Assays (Human or Rodent)* Advanced miRNA Assays*
3 $1,160 $900
6 $1,850 $1,500
9 $2,540 $2,100
12 $3,230 $2,700
*Samples must be run in multiples of 3 (or in triplicate). Price does not include cDNA synthesis.
There are additional price breaks at 30 samples and at 300 samples. If you would like pricing for larger numbers of samples or if you wish to do the preamplification yourself, contact the GRCF at 410-955-2836 or customorders@jhmi.edu. RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis services are also available. Please inquire.